As the United States and the rest of the world, currently experiences the effects of the Coronavirus. One major area that is impacted is the world’s economies. I believe part of the reason and message of this virus upon humanity is to wake us up to the higher more divine understanding of money and what True Wealth means.
The Love of Money
Let’s look at James Carville’s famous quote back in 1992, during Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign. “It’s the economy stupid.” This quote is the mindset of many today, as it was in 1992. The quote underscores how much attention and energy of our life is defined by the economy, be it one country or the global economy. The importance of consumer spending, to buy or sell, in order to have. To buy or sell in order to be happy.
I ask: How is this mindset, focus and behavior really working for you? Are you really happy and content? With all your material possessions you currently have and the possessions you feel and/or wish you want. Does it seem like a never-ending thinking and behavior pattern, that only leads you to discontent?
I believe we’ve become oppressed with money, believing we never have enough, or I’ll never get my fair share of it. These ego driven beliefs, of need or lack, have created a moral erosion and spiritual disconnection, individually and collectively.
My reply to Mr. Carville and the world about what really matters is: It’s our spiritual essence, my friends.
A False God Called Consumption
The economy and all we have made of value and importance are not the true keeper of truth. They are not the source of true wealth and abundance.
To examine, the true spiritual masters and way showers over the centuries. They had very little, if any money or material possessions. Yet they gave much to the world, with their gifts and teachings of spiritual truths. Through their discipleship and mastery of spiritual truths they displayed the understandings of true wealth.
Over two thousand years ago, the spiritual master Yeshua/Jesus, walked the earth and offered this teaching: Be in this world, but not of this world. I take this to mean. Yes, a part of our soul energy and essence will live in this world for a speck of time and repeated times. But don’t be too attached or defined by this world. For it’s temporary, and not the dimension of truth. Let us not forget, nor lose connection with the dimensions from which you came and will return to. The formless spiritual realm of many dimensions and unlimited possibilities.
Yeshua in the Gospel of Thomas said: “For him who finds his true self the world of objects is of no worth.” Jesus also said through A Course In Miracles: “The world is only in the mind of its maker. Do not believe it is outside of yourself.”
On the human level, however, we do forget, thus we lose connection with our spiritual essence. Our task as souls, while in human form, is to remember what our ego self has forgotten, we are love and there is no need or lack. We have all that we need.
Our natural world through Mother Earth and all other forms of life that live here on Earth, show us how to be (live) in this world. For they know, they are not of this world. That’s why they don’t harm this world, they just flow in and with this world and with the Creator of all.
We Won’t Take It with Us
Reality is, all that our ego attaches too and defines itself by, to look good, feel safe and be comfortable in and with. Will not be needed when we pass on, true? Yet the masses, think, say and live as if… It’s all about money ̶ the economy. How sad, to realize how we have forgotten our spiritual essence and have sold our soul to the love and power of the grand illusion… money and an inflated need for material possessions.

In this current process of earth’s and humanities Ascension. I would not be surprised, if this unrepresented Coronavirus event, is one in a series of both man-made and natural disasters that may occur, especially over the next 2-5 years. These disasters, I believe are intended to shake us up so we will wake up. To more fully remember, thus create greater alignment with spiritual truths and ways of our Creator. To come home to the remembrance of love, peace, connection and truth wealth.
Albert Einstien said it well: “The world we have made, as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far, creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.” Our current economy demands that we consume as a way of life. When the demand for consumption changes, which it suddenly and drastically has, the economy and society goes into a tailspin, panic and potential collapse.
I believe this Conravirus situation is showing the world and especially its leaders and those who thrive on greed and manipulation. How vulnerable we all are. Hence the systems we have created are no longer sustainable. We are being asked to develop more cooperative and equable systems, of governance, healthcare, finance, education, etc. This is part of the wake up call and the opportunity before us.
The Divine Way
I offer three divine, thus more humane ways to create an economy based on loving principals and how the natural world functions.
- Use ecological approaches with reverence and compassion for sustaining and empowering life.
- Takes only what is needed for sustenance.
- Honor the governance of the Divine in the spirit of cooperation and interconnectedness in harmony with the rhythm of nature.
It’s up to all of us to realize and accept that we can no longer operate with the same type of thinking and behaviors that created this problem and its outcome. To imagine and create a world based on love, caring and sharing. Aligning with the web of life, where everyone does their part for sustenance of all. This is the new earth, and what truly creates true wealth.
Much Love & peace, David
David Schroeder, LMSW, CPC from Grand Rapids, MI., is a licensed clinical and spiritual social worker, certified life transition coach, and author of Just Be Love: Messages on the Spiritual and Human Journey. His practice, Transition Pathways helps people find healthy pathways to love, greater awareness and higher potential. Visit David’s website: David’s book, Just Be Love is available for purchase through the publisher: Global Summit House email: and If you would like an autograph copy of his book, contact David by email: [email protected]